SwivelPro Sheds Light for Sound Engineer

Published on May 19, 2016

Most people enjoy music, but not many people understand everything that goes into the sound and production. The sound can make or break a concert or recording so the sound engineering is crucial – however it’s probably one of the most under-appreciated jobs because the magic happens behind the scenes. From setting up gear to getting the mix right, it’s a complex job to say the least. What’s more, many live shows are in bars or other dark venues where it’s extremely hard to see the equipment. Enter SmartFlare to make sound guys’ lives just a little easier.

We talked with Sam Platt, owner of Red House Recording Studio, who told us he uses his SmartFlare SwivelPro daily. “I’m constantly looking behind gear, and so just the fact that you can change the angle on it and it has a double sided light, really helps a lot for looking behind gear.” In fact, before discovering the SwivelPro, he frequently used a makeshift portable work lamp with a clamp (which wasn’t actually very portable at all because of its cord and bulky size) for looking behind and setting up equipment, plugging cords into the mixer, adjusting the mixer levels, etc. He found that the portable design of the SwivelPro along with the magnetic feature to attach to any metal surfaces, make SwivelPro the perfect LED work light to replace his makeshift lamp, either in the studio or at live venues.

With Sam’s 20+ years in the industry, we definitely trust his opinion. But if that weren’t enough – he also has Waylon Jennings’ old tour bus on his property. Now that’s street cred!